Flea Market Insiders
What was started as a passion project by Nicolas Martin in 2010, has quickly become an acclaimed online reference for vintage and antique shopping. Flea Market Insiders blog helps travellers to discover the best flea markets all around the world, provides shopping tips and inspiring home decor ideas. In 2017, they also launched Fleamapket, an interactive, web-based app, featuring reviews of the world’s 300 best flea markets. They are particularly proud of Fleamapket’s flea market calendar, which we created for our premium subscribers.
Nicolas, born and raised in France, is an expert on French flea markets and antiques. He loves to decorate his home with unusual vintage objects. His wife disagrees, but he is convinced that one can never own too many antique and vintage chairs, right?
Although Paris is still his go-to place to find antique treasures, Nicolas is now based in Vienna, Austria, where he runs Flea Market Insiders.
The initial idea behind launching fleamarketinsiders.com was to show the world that it is not always necessary to spend a fortune on new items when you can find amazing things at flea markets that might otherwise get disposed of. They like to think that Flea Market Insiders helps its readers to live a more sustainable lifestyle, where old objects get repurposed & upcycled instead of thrown away.
Naturally, they have plenty of flea market shopping tips to share, but the most important advice we have, is this: “Remember, that the most valuable items are not those that you think will be valuable for resale. The really priceless things are the objects you personally love”.
Of course, there are hundreds of haggling tips and advice such as “arrive before sunrise”, but the truth is that it actually takes not that much to become a successful treasure hunter. All you need is good spirits, a minimum dose of fantasy, charm and a little bit of perseverance. Your eyes will sharpen over time, and before you realize it, your home will be full of fabulous finds.
- Listing ID: 29436